Better Philanthropy for a Better World

The Next Level of Charity Reviews

For too long, nonprofits have been forced into one-dimensional measurement systems and scorecards that serve neither the organizations nor donors. Our modernized reports examine and explain complex issues, and tell holistic stories of the organizations addressing them.

By applying lessons from the for-profit world, over time, more donations will go to the most effective and deserving charities, not just the oldest or most recognizable. With this new focus on outcomes, we are positioned to see improvements across issues, from veterans care and homelessness to cancer research, and more.


We believe…

that charitable organizations are integral to society – a role that calls for transparency and accountability. There’s no one metric that is comprehensive and universally applicable. That’s why Cause Reports researches each cause vertical and reviews each nonprofit’s mission to establish key baselines. We review multiple years of tax filings, financial reports and annual reports to analyze the most complete picture.

We assess…

how effectively organizations are meeting the challenges their mission presents. Cause Reports properly contextualizes each charity, and compares operations against best practices in nonprofit management and evidence-supported interventions. We use more than 50 data points across multiple years to uncover which organizations are most effectively serving their missions.

We report…

complete and insightful findings of each organization. Who is this charity’s CEO? What is the vision? Who’s managing finances, and how? Cause Reports informs and empowers donors about how contributions are being used, in a way that is relevant, comprehensive and data-driven, breaking free of harmful assumptions and restrictions. With Cause Reports, you have the power to give intelligently.


Learn how to make the most of Cause Reports…